goals for the rest of the year (April 2023 check-in)

I often don't reflect on what I'm doing or what has been done

πŸ‘‹ Raise your hand if you're like me and don't give yourself enough credit

I think about what I'm not doing often, but I rarely ever reflect on what has been done and what I have to look forward to doing (because that's important to!).

I'm going to start with what I've done so far:

πŸ›« TRAVEL //

  • Nashville for New Year's

  • Dallas / Fort Worth to visit my friends

  • Boston for a Brett Young concert (this is happening tomorrow!)


  • Partnered KissAss Cosmetics with the W Marketplace to be amongst other female-owned and operated companies

  • Started an affiliate program for Built by Z

  • Put the foundation for building out Letterpress

  • Started the outline for the Start Somewhere course

  • Started writing a book called Unicorns: How to Hire Talent for your Startup​


  • Left corporate last year as a technical recruiter


  • Reading a lot more

    • lighter by yung pueblo; read

    • Die With Zero by Bill Perkins; on the self

    • Profit First by Mike Michalowicz; listened to

    • Buy Back Your Time by Dan Martell; listened to

    • That's Bold of You by Case Kenny; reading


  • I've been keeping track of how many days I don't eat out, don't have alcohol, actually take off my contacts at night (I'm not good at this), and don't eat red meat, through this app that visually lays out a color map of my progress called Everyday and its worked well for me - the color of your streak fades or breaks when you don't do this consistently and I hate breaking some of these streaks. It's really the only method that has worked for me.

  • Switched from taking orangetheory classes to [solidcore] classes

  • I'm trying to give myself something small to look forward to everyday whether that's coffee from Dunkin' (DUNKIN should sponsor me btw!), driving somewhere, listening to a song, watching a show, or getting to eat at a particular place and its helped me be more grateful and less worried about the future

AND here are the goals I've had:

  • Wanting to feel lighter (more about that here), but in short, I wanted to feel less burdened by things outside of my control and be present I've done this and I've gotten better at it, but I still feel this way from time to time, but I'm less reactive to it so it doesn't feel as heavy

  • Build out all of my revenue streams

    • Have consistent sales with KissAss Cosmetics I've gotten little increases in sales when I competed in Miss NJ USA this year and also during a year-end bundle sale, but other than that pretty inconsistent in sales

    • Build out Letterpress (my upcoming stationary business) Hasn't been built out yet, but I have a landing page and that's something

    • Launch my first course on teaching business I gave it a name and started an outline, but still have no idea what I'm doing

    • Build a list of affiliates for my travel & lifestyle blog Haven't even started

    • Create content or digital products that provide value and could be sold to different markets I'm working on it, maybe the book and the course could count?

  • Write more (whether that's journaling or creating content online) I've journaled more and started taking the journal I carry with more seriously so this is happening - yes

  • Switch career paths because I am no longer interested in recruiting for companies as a career choice anymore and would like to get myself into a role where I can truly learn and grow This is still true, but I have no idea what it will look like

  • Move to a new city / state OR just move in general We all know where I'd like to move - its Nashville - its always been Nashville, but it hasn't happened yet

  • Travel to at least one destination internationally I'm thinking London, but who knows when, how, or if this will happen

Side note: I also noticed this type of goal inventory taking is going around as a trend called April Theory and I'm here for it, it's very similar to what I am trying to do by evaluating my path 90+ days after the year has started - if you'd like to do something like this or look up April Theory, I think it could be cool

πŸ“© ACTION ITEM: Let's talk for 30 minutes virtually - just for fun - literally just introduce yourself and say hi!
You can book a call here ☎️

Some updates:

πŸ‘‘ The Miss NJ USA 2023 pageant turned out well - photo of me below cheering on ​stage for the winner

🎀 Looking for more public speaking opportunities, if you're looking to collaborate; hit me up!

πŸ“š There's book recs. on me blog Young Jealousy

With love,


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